Consulting . Assessing . Training . Supporting

Helping Business Leaders Build High Performance Teams So That They Scale Vertically and Improve The Quality of Life For Their People

How CEOs, Sales Directors, Entrepreneurs,…

Are Building High-Performing Sales Teams of Trusted Advisors That Close 100% of Their Prospects Without Going Into Long Sales Cycles or Offering Discounts

My Promise to You...

If Your Investment in Training and Coaching Doesn't Give You an

ROI of MINIMUM 10X Within 12 Months,

Then I Will Fire Myself

From The Desk of Kal Jurdi

Phoenix, Arizona

Read This Before Going ANY Further

I joined the corporate world as a C-Level Executive Trainer, and part of my job was to sell them Seminars, Coaching Programs, and Information Products. I was passionate about the training part of the job, but was used to repel the sales part.

When it comes to selling, I felt out of place... like an imposter... and my whole energy level shifted to sub-zero. In summary, I couldn't save my job, and I failed miserably in that role. My only options were to either fire myself or become good at selling... to save my career!

Being a stubborn person with a Win Attitude, I invested in my learning from the top sales gurus across the world. I attended a lot of trainings, courses, and seminars. I also invested in 1-1 coaches... Some of which were a loss of time (and money), while others gave me a Golden Nugget.

Read This Before Going ANY Further

I built my own sales team, trained them, and we started selling my own Seminars in Phoenix AZ, and I became so good at it that every seminar would be fully booked. What I sold at the backend of those seminars was a game changer and transformed my business to the next level. The wonderful thing was not the money! It was the impact I was making on a larger scale and the results I've seen my clients achieving because of my coaching!

My sales system, The Phoenician Method, proved that it works in any kind of industry. Sales people starting adapting it and started selling without being 'salesy'. They became trusted advisors with clients asking for their services or products.

If you're ready to scale your business and building your sales team, then let's talk.

From The Desk Of H.J. Chammas

Dubai, UAE

Read This Before Going ANY Further

In 2018, I launched my 1st book (through a publisher) and struggled to get the sales coming in. I lost a lot of money, time, and energy on trial and error trying to learn how to get my book on the top sellers list.

In 2019 onwards, I self-published 3 other books, which all quickly became #1 best-sellers. This helped me perfect a system to publish books that are fit to become best sellers and then have a promotion engine to push them up the ranks and then become #1 best sellers in their categories.

In 2022, we began focusing on helping other authors not to get tricked by self-publishing companies that will make them pay tens of thousands of dollars to publish their book and then ask them to pay even more on useless marketing activities that will never get their books any visibility and traction.

Sound Familiar?

  • I am not a Sales Person, I am a Business Owner. I can't teach sales people how to sell.

  • I am stuck in the business, rather working on the business. If I not guiding the ship, it will sink.

  • Frustrated about Losing Prospects and Opportunities (No Conversion), losing business to competitors.

  • Feeling stagnant… hitting a ceiling and not able to scale either vertically or horizontally.

Strategic CATS Solutions to Get Prospects Asking You for Help

(Rather Than Your Team Selling Them)


Discover Leaks in Your Business

Pinpoint the Gaps in Your Sales Process

Where Your Business is Heading


X-Ray Your Business as a Whole

Do You Have The Right People on The Bus?

Is Your Sales Process Long and Costly?


High-Performance Code of Honor

How to Sell Without Selling

Step-by-Step System to Close 100% of Leads


Coaching For Success Habits

Recruit New Talents & Succession Planning

Plan For The Future War-Room Simulations

Are You Ready to Close 100% of Your Leads?

Here's What Business Partners are Saying About Kal...

Gina Jonas

Award Winning Corporate Consultant

"What makes Kal a great teacher and coach is his unshakable stand for transformation, his love for people, and whatever it takes attitude to get the job done. He is a humble student which makes him a great trainer!"

Blair Singer

World renowned speaker and bestselling author

"It's not common to get across a person who WILL NOT GIVE UP. Kal is a great teacher!"

Blair Singer

World renowned speaker and bestselling author

"We needed a pattern interrupt to align forces with company goals,

in Covid19 era. Positive energy

transmitted by Mr. Jurdi and

received efficiently by our team, and helped us meet our sales target goals"

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